Mission Statement
St. Mark Parish is a prayerful and caring faith community of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Rooted in previous generations of the faithful in historic Bristol, and enriched by a people whose diversity reflects that of the universal Church, we, the parishioners of St. Mark Parish, strive to provide a vibrant presence of Christ for generations both current and future.
We praise the Lord who welcomes us into the family of God, nourishes us at the Eucharistic Celebration, enlightens us through the Word and Church teachings, empowers us through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and offers us opportunities to share with one another these and all the wonders of our life-giving God.
We ask the Lord to strengthen our faith as we cultivate the ministries of our parish. As God provides us with the comfort of an unconditional love, we pray that every member of our parish, in return, provide unconditional service to the Lord, each according to their gifts. With God’s help we strive to maintain a self-sustaining and supportive parish through the use of interactive lay ministries. We hope to build an inspirational framework that nurtures personal growth as well as family unity and development.
We strive to provide strong leadership by being examples of Christian living, effectively witnessing to the principles of social justice in our community, homes, schools and places of work. We recall with the Lord the urgency to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the shut-ins: reflective of the early Church, we, too are aware of our call to be effectively mindful of the needs of others and tend to them with gladness. We believe that the dignity conferred on the individual in Baptism prevails over race, creed, income level, social status or physical handicap. We proclaim with St. Paul that here we have not Gentile or Jew, servant or free, woman or man, “but Christ is all and in all.”
We of Saint Mark Parish are proud of, and thankful for, our rich heritage, and commit ourselves to providing these solid foundations of Christian values to future generation. We demonstrate our resolve to share in the work of God through active participation in The Church’s apostolate. May all of us abound in these works knowing that we will not labor in vain when our labor is for God.