Welcome to our Parish Page

May God Bless you and keep you safe!

This Sunday’s Readings

Second Sunday of Advent

December 8, 2024- Scriptures

Lecturas de este domingo

Segundo Domingo de Adviento

8 diciembre del 2024- Lecturas

The month of December is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception.

El mes de diciembre esta dedicado a la Inmaculada Concepción

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated on Dec 9th, 2024.
This year it is not a Holyday of Obligation.
We will celebrate our regular Mass at St. Mark at 8:00 am on the 9th.

2024 Annual Christmas Giving Tree- Nov 17th- Dec 13th

If you would like to help make this Christmas a little brighter for local families,

pick an angel from the tree or basket inside our churches.
Stop by the parish office to purchase a gift card from us, or buy a gift and
return it to the parish office no later than December 13th.
Your gifts will benefit the residents of Silver Lake Nursing Home, and
Catholic Social Services (CSS) of Levittown now and throughout the year.
Kindly return all gifts, with angels attached. We thank you for your generosity!
Gifts for CSS (white ribbon) should be returned unwrapped.
Gifts for Silver Lake (red ribbon) can be wrapped





 The parish office is open 9:00 AM- 3:00 PM Monday Through Friday.

The gift card office is open 9:30 AM-3:00 PM Monday through Friday


Cancellations or program changes can be found here. 

Click here to visit our religious education page for 2023-2024 registration and program information.


Worshiping In Person

The obligation to attend mass in person has begun, our churches will only be open to celebrate our masses on our regularly scheduled days. Since we have resumed public masses, none will be pre-recorded. We sincerely thank all of you for your patience, cooperation, and most generous support of our parish and school.  Click here to view our church re-opening guidelines

 If you cannot attend our mass at this time, please use this link to view the Sunday Mass from the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, in Philadelphia @ 11:00 AM. https://vimeo.com/event/17522 

Adorando en Persona

La obligación de asistir a misa en persona comenzó,nuestras iglesias solo estarán abiertas para celebrar las misas en nuestros días programados regularmente.Tengan en cuenta que desde que nosotros hemos comenzado las misas públicas, ninguna se grabará.Agradecemos sinceramente a todos ustedes por su paciencia, cooperación y el más generoso apoyo de nuestra parroquia y la escuela.Haga click aqui para ver las pauta de reapertura  de la iglesia.

 Si no puede ir a la misa en persona, use este enlace para ver la Misa en el Catedral se San Pedro y Pablo en Filadelfia, televisada en español.https://vimeopro.com/catholicphilly/lasantamisa

Pastoral and Temporal Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic – Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Visit this link for official statements, news coverage, and guidelines.  http://archphila.org/covid19/



Upcoming Holidays-

 Tuesday, December 24th– Christmas Eve
 Wednesday, December 25th- Christmas Day
 Thursday, December 26th- Day After Christmas

 Wednesday, January 1, 2025- New Year’s Day

Change in our Mass Schedule- Posted April 28, 2022

After the recent renovation, we are happy to announce that the celebration of masses has returned to St. Mark Church. Masses will be celebrated at 5:00 PM Saturday (Vigil) & Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM (Spanish).

Beginning May 1st, our Sunday 10:30 AM and 10:45 AM masses will be combined and the mass will be celebrated at 10:45 AM at St. Ann. All the 10:30 AM intentions will be announced at 10:45 AMWe thank you for your cooperation and continued support!

Change in Mass Schedule at St. Ann Worship Site- As of January 5, 2021

Due to the lack of attendance, our Tuesday evening, 7:00 PM mass at St. Ann will be cancelled. The prayers to Blessed Anna Maria and Saint Michael of the Saints will be recited before 10:45 AM mass on Sunday.

Weekly Contributions and Memorial Donations-  Posted September 16, 2021

 Our bank has informed us that as of Friday, September 17, 2021, all donations to our Parish, in check form, must be made out to St. Mark. Any checks made out to St. Ann will have to be returned to the donor. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated as your donations help to keep our two churches strong and well kept.  If you have any questions,  please call the parish office Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Thank you!

For Information on our Current/Upcoming/Annual Parish Events click here


For information on Sacramental and Eligibility Certificates, Weddings, Mass Cards, Intentions, sick list, and other parish-related requests please call the parish office at (215) 788-2319, Monday through Friday from 9:30 AM-3:00 PM or email us at office@saintmarkchurch.net.
If you have an emergency needing the sacramental attention of a priest, please call 215-788-2493.
If you are new to our parish, have moved, have been out of town for an extended amount of time, and are not receiving your weekly envelopes, please email us at office@saintmarkchurch.net or call our office so we can register you or update your information. Thank you!
To join our parish click here to download our registration form and begin the process. 



To view our 2020 gallery of pre-recorded masses with Father Mooney, click here

Para ver nuestra galería de misas grabadas en 2020 con el Padre Mooney, haga clic aquí.



Click here for links to Archdiocesan Offices and Upcoming Events