Collection of Food for the Needy- The Bristol Food Bank is in always in need of food. Our parish collects food all year around. If you would like to donate, our churches will be open on Sundays from 8:00-10:30 am, you can drop off the food then, or at the parish office Wednesday through Friday from 9:30 AM-2:30 PM. Thank you and God Bless!
Colección de Alimentos para los necesitados- El Banco de alimentos de Bristol siempre necesita alimentos. Nuestra parroquia recolecta alimentos durante todo el año. Si desea donar, nuestras iglesias estarán abiertas los domingos de 8:00- 10:30 am, puede dejar la comida en ese momento o en la oficina parroquial de miércoles a viernes de 9:30 a. m. a 2:30 p. m. Gracias y que Dios te bendiga!
Hospitality Sunday– First Sunday of the month from September through May, in the school hall. Stop in to socialize with other parishioners and enjoy coffee, hot chocolate and donuts after each mass. Suspended until further notice.
Domingo de Hospitalidad – Primer domingo de mes de septiembre a mayo, después de las misas. Visítanos para socializar con otros feligreses y disfruta de café, chocolate caliente y donas después de cada misa. Suspendido hasta nuevo aviso.
Divine Mercy Chaplet- with adoration to follow. The first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM @ Saint Mark Church.
How to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet
Coronilla a la Divina Misericordia- seguida de adoración. El primer miércoles de cada mes a las 6:30 pm en la iglesia de San Marcos. (En Ingles.) Como rezar la Coronilla de La Divina Misericordia
Holy Hour- Come spend an hour in Eucharistic adoration in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Join us for adoration, prayer, and reflection. All are welcome. First Fridays @ 7:00 PM at St. Mark, in Spanish.
Hora Santa- Ven a pasar una hora en adoración eucarística en presencia del Santísimo Sacramento. Únase a nosotros para adoración, oración y reflexión. Todos los primeros viernes del mes en la Iglesia de San Marco a las 7:00 pm, en Español.
Three Kings Celebration/ Día de Los Tres Reyes– Feast Day January 6th. This annual event is celebrated with a Mass and followed by a social in the parish hall. Traditional food and desserts served. Games and Activities for the children. Mass will be celebrated on January 5, 2025 with breakfast with the Three Kings to follow in the school hall after mass from 10:30AM-12:30 PM. If you would like to contribute, please download and fill out the donation form and return to the parish office by January 1, 2025.
Celebración de los Reyes Magos/ Día de Los Tres Reyes– Se celebra el dia 6 de enero. Este evento anual se celebra con una misa seguida de una reunión social en el salón parroquial. Se sirven comidas y postres tradicionales. Juegos y Actividades para los niños. La misa se celebrará el 5 de enero de 2025 con una pequeña actividad social a seguir en el salón de la escuela después de la misa. Si desean ayudar, por favor completen este formulario y devuelvanlo a la oficina parochial antes del 1ro de Enero, 2025.
St. Blaise Feast Day and Blessing of the Throats- February 3rd. We celebrate the Feast of St. Blaise with the annual blessing of the throats. The blessing will take place after each weekend mass on February 3rd and 4th, 2024.
Fiesta de San Blas y Bendición de Gargantas–El dia 3 de febrero celebramos la Fiesta de San Blas. En las misas del 3 y 4 de Febrero del 2024 se realizará la bendición de gargantas.
Saint Valentine’s Day Dance- This annual event is held the 2nd or 3rd Saturday in February, from 7:00 PM – 12:00AM in the school hall. Open to parishioners and friends ages 21+. Appetizers, dinner, dessert, beer, wine and soda. Tickets available in mid January. Volunteers and Donations always welcomed. Canceled due to COVID.
Distribution of Ashes- Our Lenten Celebrations will begin this week coming with Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Ashes will be distributed at the 8:00 am Mass, Noon Service, and a 6:30 pm bilingual Mass at St. Mark Church.
Distribución de Cenizas-Nuestras celebraciones de Cuaresma comienzan esta semana, con miercoles de cenisa, el 14 de febrero del 2024. Las cenizas se distribuirán en la misa de las 8:00 am, el servicio del mediodía y una misa bilingüe de las 6:30 pm en la iglesia de San Marcos.
Saint Patrick’s Day Mass- Our 32 Annual Mass in honor of St. Patrick is sponsored by the AOH Bristol Div. 1. This year we will celebrate the mass on Sunday, March 17th at 10:45 AM at St. Mark Church with a social to follow in the school hall after. (We will also have the regular 10:45 AM mass at St. Ann this Sunday)
Misa del Día de San Patricio- Nuestra misa anual en honor a San Patricio está patrocinada por AOH Bristol Div. 1. Este año la misa se celebrará el la Iglesia de San Marcos el dia 17 de marzo a las 10:45 AM, co una fiesta despues.
Stations of the Cross during Lent- Every Friday at 6:30PM after Ash Wednesday, until Good Friday at our St. Ann Worship site. Begins February 19, 2024, ends on March 29, 2024.
Via Crusis durante la Cuaresma– Todos los lunes a las 7:00 PM, después del Miércoles de Ceniza, hasta el Viernes Santo en nuestra iglesia de Santa Marcos. Comienza el 19 de febrero de 2023, finaliza el 25 de marzo del 2024.
Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation- Wednesday, February 15, 2024 @ 6:00PM. The children in our school, PREP/CCD program and members of our parish will celebrate the sacrament for the first time. Several priests will be available. Join us in praying for them.
A special thanks to our teachers and PREP/CCD Catechist who have helped prepare them for this special day. May God Bless and guide them.
Sacramento de Penitencia y Reconciliación- Miércoles, 15 de febrero del 2024 a las 6:00PM. Los niños de nuestra escuela, programa de catecismo y miembros de nuestra parroquia celebrarán el sacramento por la primera vez. Varios sacerdotes estarán disponibles. Únase a nosotros para orar por ellos.
Un agradecimiento especial a nuestros maestros y catequistas de PREP/CCD que los han ayudado a prepararse para este día especial. Que Dios los bendiga y los guíe.
Distribution of Palm- March 24, 2024. Palms will be distributed after each mass, on Palm Sunday.
Distribución de Ramos– 24 de marzo del 2024. Se repartirán ramos después de cada misa, el Domingo de Ramos.
Catholic Daughter’s Annual Fritz’s Sticky Buns Sale- Fundraiser will take place on Palm Sunday weekend before and after all Masses at both St. Ann & St. Mark churches. The cost is $11.50 per half dozen. Varieties are plain, cream cheese, walnuts, raisins, and nut/raisin mix. Each box contains only one flavor. Please save the date and help the Catholic Daughters fund their charity work this year. March 23 and 24, 2024.
Venta anual de Las Hijas Católicas -Rollos de Canela de Fritz- La recaudación de fondos se llevará a cabo el fin de semana del Domingo de Ramos antes y después de todas las misas en las iglesias San Marcos y Santa Ana. El costo es de $11.50 por media docena. Las variedades son naturales, queso crema, nueces, pasas y mezcla de nueces y pasas. Cada caja contiene un solo sabor. Guarde la fecha y ayude a las Hijas Católicas a financiar su trabajo de caridad este año. El dia 23 y 24 de marzo del 2024.
Blessing of Easter Food on Holy Saturday– March 30, 2024 @12:00 Noon at St. Mark church.
Bendición de la Comida de Pascua- el Sábado Santo, dia 30 de marzo del 2024 a las 12:00 del mediodía en la iglesia de San Marcos.
Sacrament of Confirmation- Thursday, April 25, 2024 @ 4:00 PM @ St. Mark Church with the MOST REVEREND MICHAEL J. FITZGERALD Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia (retired). The children in our school, PREP/CCD program and members of our parish will celebrate the sacrament for the first time. Join us in praying for them. A special thanks to our teachers and catechist who have helped prepare them for this special day. May God Bless and continue to guide them.
Sacramento de la Confirmación- Jueves, 25 de abril de 2024 a las 4:00 p. m. en la iglesia se San Marcos con el Reverendo Michael J. Fitzgerald (Obispo auxiliar fe Filadelfia-retirado). Los niños de nuestra escuela, programa de catecismo y miembros de nuestra parroquia celebrarán el sacramento por la primera vez. Únase a nosotros para orar por ellos. Un agradecimiento especial a nuestros maestros y catequistas que los ayudaron a prepararse para este día especial. Que Dios los Bendiga y los siga guiando.
First Holy Communion- Saturday, May 11, 2024 @ 10:00 AM at St. Mark Church. The children in our school, PREP/CCD program will celebrate the sacrament for the first time. Join us in praying for them. A special thanks to our teachers and catechist who have helped prepare them for this special day. May God Bless and continue to guide them.
Primera Comunión– Sábado, 11 de mayo de 2024 a las 10:00 a. m. en la Iglesia de San Marcos. Los niños de nuestra escuela, programa de catesismo, celebrarán el sacramento por primera vez. Únase a nosotros para orar por ellos. Un agradecimiento especial a nuestros maestros y catequistas que los ayudaron a prepararse para este día especial. Que Dios los Bendiga y los siga guiando.
RCIA Classes- for Adults interested in taking the steps towards becoming Catholic. September through May. Mondays from 7:00 pm in the parish office conference room. Registration Required. Visit our page for details: If interested please call Parish Office @ 215-788-2319 or email us at
Clases de RICA- para adultos interesados en convertirse en catolicos. De septiembre a mayo. Los jueves de 6:45-8:15 PM en la sala de conferencia en a oficina parroquial. Se requiere registro. Si estas interesado llame a la oficina paroquial al 215-788-2319 o a Maria Berrocal 215-801-7855.
Feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi- October 4th. Father Mooney blesses the animals in our school parking lot every year. Bring your pets and furry friends. This year the blessing will take place on October 6th at 12:30 pm, in front of our St. Mark School and Office
Fiesta de San Francisco de Asís- 4 de octubre. El padre Mooney bendice a los animales al frente de nuestra escuela todos los años. Traigan a sus moscatas. Este año la bendicion sera el dia 6 de octubre a las 12:30 PM en frente de la oficina.
Blue Mass- Our annual mass celebrates and prays for our Firefighters, Police and Emergency Personnel. Please join us, as we give thanks and pray for our emergency personnel. Due to scheduling conflicts, our Annual Blue Mass will be held at St. Mark Church on Sunday, October 20, 2024 @ 10:45 AM. Refreshments to follow at our school hall.
Misa Azul- nuestra misa anual celebra y ora por nuestros bomberos, policías y personal de emergencia. Únase a nosotros, mientras damos gracias y oramos por nuestro personal de emergencia. Este año celebraremos la misa el dia 20 de octubre a las 10:45 a. m. en nuestra iglesia de Santa Marcos. Refrescos a seguir en el salón de la escuela.
Annual Christmas Giving Trees- If you would like to help local needy families this holiday and throughout the year, don’t forget to take an angel from our tree, then return your unwrapped gift with the angel attached to the parish office or purchase a gift card from us before Dec 13th. Thank you and God Bless! Trees are set up at both churches in mid November.
Christmas Giving Tree Gift Delivery 2023- Our sincere thanks to all our parishioners who opened their hearts and donated to the 2023 giving tree. Because of your generosity, Pablo delivered a truck full of gifts and treats which included diapers, baby items, formula, clothing, games, family snacks and goodies, and gift cards to Catholic Social Services in Levittown on December 19th. You made many families very happy this holiday season. He also delivered many gifts to the Silver Lake Nursing Home. May God Bless your generosity!
Our Lady of Divine Providence Feast Day Mass- Nov 17, 2024 @ 9:00 AM @ St. Mark Church. Join us to celebrate the patroness of Puerto Rico. Her feast day is celebrated on November 19th.
Celebrando Nuestra Señora de la Divina Providencia la Patrona de Puerto Rico. Misa el dia 17 de Noviembre a las 9:00AM en la Iglesia de San Marcos.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day Mass- December 8, 2024 @ 9:00AM @ St. Mark Church. Small social to follow after mass in the school hall. Her Feast Day is Dec 12th (Bilingual Mass @ 8:00AM). Join us to celebrate the patroness of Mexico.
Misa de la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe el 8 de diciembre, 2024 a las 9:00AM, fiesta despues en el gymnasio de la escuela.
Las Posadas Navideñas– This is a religious festival that begins on Friday, Dec 16th and takes place at 7:00PM each night and at 11:00PM on Christmas Eve, Dec 24th at St Mark Church, before the Midnight Mass. A list of host families can be found in the back of St. Mark church.
Las Posadas (Inns) commemorates the journey that Mary and Joseph made from Nazareth to Bethlehem in search of a safe refuge where she could give birth to the baby Jesus. Joseph and Mary will be welcomed into some of our parishioner’s homes with typical Christmas music, Scripture reading, reflections, and some treats. Our thanks to all the parishioners who will open their homes to us for the next 9 days at 7:00 PM, our Spanish choir for the beautiful music and to everyone involved! Feliz Navidad!
Schedule of St. Mark Annual Parish Events
(Please note that the dates of these events are subject to change) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calendario de eventos anuales de (Tenga en cuenta que las fechas de estos eventos están sujetas a cambios) January Three Kings Celebration/ Día de Los Tres Reyes– Mass Sunday, January 5, 2025. followed by a breakfast/social in the parish hall. Martin Luther King Jr. Day– January 15, 2024- Parish office closed February Feast of Saint Brigid – February 1, 2024. Mass with the LAOH Div.1 will be celebrated on Registration for PREP/CCD for 2024-2025- February 4, 2024 from 1:00AM-12:00PM, in the school hall. Feast of St. Blaise – February 3rd. Blessing of the throats will take place at all masses the first weekend in February. Ash Wednesday- February 14, 2024- Ashes will be distributed at St. Mark Church at 8:00 AM mass, Noon service and at the 6:30 PM bilingual mass. Saint Valentine’s Day Dance- In Parish Hall- Canceled for 2024 Sacrament of Reconciliation/First Penance- February 15, 2023 at 6:30 pm at St. Mark Church. President’s Day- February 21st- Parish office closed March Stations of the Cross- Every Friday evening during Lent in English (February 16- March 29, 2024) Saint Patrick’s Day Mass – Sunday, March 17th at 10:45 AM at Saint Mark. Join us to celebrate our Annual Mass, sponsored by the AOH Bristol Div. 1. Small social to follow. Agape– TBA. Our Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary hosts our Annual Agape on in our school hall. No charge. All are welcome. Light refreshments are served. Date TBA for 2024 Palm Sunday- March 24, 2024 Palms distributed after each mass. Catholic Daughter’s Annual Fritz’s Sticky Buns Sale- March 23rd and 24th, 2024. Fundraiser will take place on Palm Sunday weekend before and after all Masses at both St. Ann & St. Mark churches. Holy Week Confessions- Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 4:00-5:00 PM @ St. Mark Church Holy Thursday- March 28, 2024
(There is no 8:00 AM Mass)
7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper @ St. Mark
(Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass until 10:00 PM)
Good Friday– March 29, 2024- Parish office closed.
St. Mark Spanish Procession and Service- 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
3:00 PM Service @ St. Mark
Holy Saturday- March 30, 2024
12:00 Noon: Blessing of Easter Food @ St. Mark Church
7:00 PM, Easter Vigil Mass @ St. Mark
Easter Sunday– March 31, 2024
7:30 AM, 9:00 AM (Spanish) and 10:45 AM @ St. Ann
Mass in honor of Our Lady of Grace– Tuesday, April 2, 2024
7:00 PM @ St. Ann
Gifts from the Holy Land- Handmade olivewood carvings from Bethlehem for sale at both St. Ann and St. Mark. Proceeds to help families remain in the Holy Land. April 6th and 7th of 2024.
Divine Mercy Sunday Mass– April 7, 2024. Join us for a Holy Hour and special devotion at 1:00 PM at St. Mark. If you cannot attend, click on the links below to learn how to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, in both English and Spanish. Parish Paschal Meal/The Last Supper- Date TBA. Donation $15.00 per person. Tickets will be available at the parish office. We invite you to join us for this unique Lenten experience! Volunteers needed to help as readers at the head table and servers. Call us to sign up. Sacrament of Confirmation- April 25, 2023 @ 4:00PM @ St. Mark Church. May Annual May Procession in Honor of the Blessed Mother- @1:00 PM in the school yard by the river. Date for 2024 TBA. First Holy Communion- May 11, 2024 @ 10:00 AM at St. Mark Church The Ascension of the Lord- May 9, 2024 (Holyday of obligation) Masses at 8:00AM, noon and 6:30 Bilingual @ St. Mark Memorial Day- May 27, 2024- Parish office closed. Rosary to the Blessed Mother- Pentecost Sunday – May 19, 2024 Most Holy Trinity Sunday- May, 26, 2024 June Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)- June 2, 2024 Annual Society of St. Vincent de Paul Clothing Drive- From 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM in St. Mark School Lot. Date for 2024 TBA Sacred Heart of Jesus– June 7, 2024. It is observed on the Friday nineteen days after Pentecost and celebrates the compassion, suffering and devotion of Christ to humanity. PREP/CCD for 2024-2025- New Summer Program begins June 24, 2024, with additional classes after mass during the year. July Independence Day- July 4th – Parish office closed. Novena to Good Saint Ann- Begins on Thursday, July 18th @ 7:00 PM and ends on Friday, July 26th. At our worship site. August Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary- August 15th- Parish office closed. Holy day of obligation masses at 8:00 AM, noon and 6:30 PM (bilingual). Blessing of the river after 6:30 PM mass. St. Ann Italian Festival and Carnival- Monday, August 5th through Saturday, 10th, 2024 September Labor Day- September 2nd- Parish office closed First Day of School– September 4, 2024 RCIA and RICA Registration Family Faith Formation/PREP-Sunday-Sept 15, 2024-9:00 AM Attend Bilingual Mass
10:00 AM Family Catechesis & Grade Level Instruction
October Feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi- October 4, 2024- Blessing Date for 2024 will be October 6th @ 12:30 PM. Father Mooney blesses the animals in our school parking lot. Bring your pets and furry friends. Legacy of Life Baby Bottle Drive Fundraiser– October 12th and 13th, 2024 World Mission Sunday- October 20, 2024. Blue Mass- During this annual mass we celebrate our Firefighters, Police and Emergency Personnel. Held in October Please join us, as we give thanks and pray for our emergency personnel. This year the mass will be held on Sunday, October 20, 2024 at 10:45 AM, at St. Mark Church with Refreshments to follow at our school hall. November All Saints Day- November 1, 2023. Holyday of obligation. Masses will only be celebrated at St Mark Church at 8:00 AM, Noon and 6:30 PM (Bilingual) All Souls Mass to commemorate all the faithful departed- November 1, 2024 6:30 PM @ St. Mark Church. . This year mass will be celebrated on All Saints Day. Family Faith Formation/PREP-Sunday-Nov 17, 2024- 9:00 AM Attend Bilingual Mass
10:00 AM Family Catechesis & Grade Level Instruction
Veteran’s Day Mass- TBA for 2024 @St. Ann Church. Christmas Giving Tree Gift Collection- If you would like to help make this Christmas a little brighter for local families, pick an angel from our tree or basket inside our churches in mid November. Purchase a gift card from us, or buy a gift and return it to the parish office by 3:00PM on Dec 13th, with angels attached. Your gifts will benefit Silver Lake Nursing Home and Catholic Social Services of Levittown now and throughout the year. All gifts to CSS should be returned unwrapped. Your gifts for the seniors at Silver Lake can be wrapped or placed in a gift bag. Thank you and May God Bless you for your generosity! Our Lady of Divine Providence Feast Day Mass- November 17, 2024 @ 9:00 AM. Celebrates the patroness of Puerto Rico. Her feast day is celebrated on November 19th. Celebrando Nuestra Señora de la Divina Providencia la Patrona de Puerto Rico.
Thanksgiving Day- November 28, 2024. Mass at 10:00 AM at St. Mark Church only. (No 8:00 AM mass) Parish office closed. Day after Thanksgiving- Parish office closed. December The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception- Dec 9th, 2024- This year it is not a Holyday of Obligation. We will celebrate our regular Mass at St. Mark at 8:00 am. Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day Mass- Dec 8,2024 @ St. Mark Church. Small Social to follow at the school hall. Christmas Giving Tree Gift Distribution- week before Christmas. Family Faith Formation/PREP-Sunday-Dec 19th, 2024- 9:00 AM Attend Bilingual Mass
10:00 AM Family Catechesis & Grade Level Instruction
Posadas- This is a religious festival that begins on Dec 16th and runs through Dec 24th. Our thanks to all the parishioners who will open their homes to us for the next 9 days at 7:00PM, our Spanish choir for the beautiful music and to everyone involved. !Feliz Navidad! Christmas and New Year’s Mass Schedule 2024 St. Mark Church: Confessions- Monday, December 23rd, 2024 @ 4:00-5:00PM Christmas Eve– Tuesday, December 24th – Christmas Day– Wednesday, December 25th- 10:30 AM Wednesday, Dec 25th and Thursday, Dec 26th, 2024- New Year’s Eve- Tuesday, December 31st- 4:00 PM New Year’s Day- Wednesday, January 1, 2024- 10:00 AM Wednesday, January 1, 2025- Parish office closed in observance of New Years St. Ann Worship Site: Christmas Eve– Tuesday, December 24th- 4:00 PM Christmas Day- Wednesday, December 25th- Mass 10:45 AM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Baptisms– Twice a month. 1st Sunday (Spanish) and 4th Sunday (English) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Parish Office: 215-788-2319 Website: Facebook: |